Leviathan’s DNA
Client: Biela noc Bratislava
Services: creative work, design, realization
In 2018 we decided to loudly announce our love for art. The project Leviathan's DNA was resting in our drawer for some time, so we took it out and offered to the organizers of White Night. The project represents online environment where information is spread and where it is sometimes impossible to form opinion about them and verify their truthfulness. This relationship is expressed with pairs of standard IKEA lamps which shine into each other, so the actual source of light cannot be identified. The connected lamps form a DNA structure of a mythical creature, which represents the growing world of alternative truth, hoaxes and lies. The project was part of the White Night's programme in Bratislava and Košice and was acclaimed by visitors and media.

project managmentPavol Truben
Art directionPavol Truben
Technical solution of the supporting constructionJán Pernecký
Technical solution of wiring and programmingRastislav Rehák
AssistanceZuzana Šplhová
Miroslav Truben
Supported bySubdigital
In collaboration withLAB cafe